The advancement of technology has made it possible for companies to do many things, including offering the opportunity for employees to work from home or a remote location of their choice. This can ensure that they are being more productive, as well as save the business money. However, keeping everyone connected can become a challenge.
When employees aren’t in the office, they don’t have set hours for work. The appeal for many when it comes to remote work is the fact that it is so flexible. While this ensures that employees are working when they are the most productive, that may not always fit the average workday. To keep a business connected with their remote employees, they might consider doing some of the following.
Utilize Communication Tools
There are many different platforms and apps that can be used for business to communicate with their remote employees and allow employees to communicate with one another. This is a good thing to have in place should any questions arise and to keep everyone connected and communicating with one another.
Hold Weekly Meetings
Having weekly meetings by video is a great way to keep the team connected and give them some face-to-face time. This will remind them that they are part of a larger team and get everyone on the same page as to what is expected when it comes to assignments.
As a way to encourage better connection, consider discussing topics other than work at the weekly meetings. Being a remote worker can be incredibly isolating, and the employees may not be able to talk and share with others. To allow them to feel connected to each other and the business, consider having discussions about what they did over the weekend or what books they are reading. A business might consider having different ice breakers and conversation topics every week to get employees talking and interacting.
Plan a Yearly Retreat
To stay connected with remote employees, consider getting together once a year for a company retreat. This can be something that is offered to all employees, not just remote ones and is a great way for everyone to spend some quality time together, share ideas, and strengthen their bonds.